The ultimate in electronic security - a Closed Circuit Video Camera and monitor PLUS a telephone intercom.
See and talk to visitors, patrol halls and entryways - while your door remains firmly locked.
Comes with all the accessories including special screwdriver to prevent disassembly by anybody from outside. We have 2000 of them in our stock. It cost the manufacturer $380 to produce one.
Pick the color of the unit: Blue or Yellow.
Unisonic CCTV video door phone (model #VI770) comes with all the accessories. It can be backed up with 12V battery. In case if you live in a country where the electricity comes on and off, the unit will still operate.
Brand new in the box. Made in Japan.If you would like to get large quantities please e-mail us. We will ship to anywhere around the globe.
INCLUDES: - An efficient compact video
camera, mounted outside. - An indoor video monitor with clear B/W
image (2.5"x 3") - A tone sensitive telephone intercom system
- A bell chime with adjustable volume
- Burglar- and vandal-proof polycarbonate
construction - Easy to install with a simple plug-in